Adult Martial Arts & Fitness Classes in Madison, WI
“This could be the most fun you will have learning serious martial arts.”
MKG Madison Martial Arts for Adults - Train Safe, Train Hard, Have Fun!
MKG Madison offers one of the most diverse martial arts experiences in the area, with classes for all fitness and experience levels. Whether you’re looking to get into shape, blow off some steam, or broaden your knowledge of the arts, our programs are designed to help you to focus on your personal goals in a fun, safe, welcoming environment.
Our Essentials Classes are designed for beginners but open to all experience levels! Learn fundamental techniques and gain confidence while improving your coordination, conditioning, and cognitive development.
What are Essentials Classes for Beginners?

Kickboxing Essentials
Sweat and smile while learning techniques from several different martial arts styles! Learn how to be a great training partner and safely and effectively use different types of training equipment.

Kali Essentials
Learn fundamental concepts from the Filipino Martial Arts to improve overall physical fitness, coordination, and cognitive function. Kali offers a great workout for your body and mind!

MKG Blend Essentials
Build a foundation of techniques from Kickboxing and Kali. Have fun, build confidence, and learn how to be a great training partner. This wholistic approach to the arts is an important starting point for MKG Madison students.
MKG Blend Martial Arts Classes
MKG’s signature Blend classes build on the foundations of Essentials classes. Learn to defend and counter common techniques in a safe, fun, and interactive environment.
What are MKG Blend Classes?

Phase 1: Great Workout
Join our most popular class for a great workout with all the fun and excitement of the Kickboxing and Kali classes in one.

Phase 2: Grappling & Defense
Grappling, weapon defense, and close-range tactics help internalize and implement your art. Learn elements of Panantukan, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Shoot Wrestling, Combat Submission Wrestling, Indonesian Silat, and Wing Chun Kung Fu.

Phase 3: Expand Your Skills
Expand on foundations from Phase 1 and Phase 2 while diving deeper into elements of Panantukan, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Shoot Wrestling, Combat Submission Wrestling, Indonesian Silat, and Wing Chun Kung Fu.
Focus Martial Arts Classes
Dive deeper into the nuance and culture of the arts through classes focused on specific systems.
What are MKG Focus Classes?

Jun Fan - Jeet Kune Do (JKD)
Explore the art that Bruce Lee left behind! Develop functional athleticism and self-defense concepts like trapping, locking, takedowns, and ground fighting. Improve coordination, timing, awareness, and sensitivity.

Panantukan - Filipino Boxing
One of the most unique martial arts experiences in the Madison area! Learn the creative striking that Panantukan is known for. Get a great workout while learning about connectivity, sensitivity, movement, trapping, and sweeps and takedowns.

Filipino Weaponry - Kali/Escrima/Arnis
Safe weaponry and mobility training help improve reflexes, cognitive function, and self-defense concepts. Exciting drills improve a familiarization with targets and weapons of opportunity.

MKG Kickboxing
Ready for a fun challenge? With the addition of safe defending and counter drills, kickboxing offers a great workout with a boost of excitement!
Come see the Benefits of our Madison Martial Arts Classes for Adults
Whether you’re new to martial arts or you’ve been practicing for years, it’s the best way to see if MKG Madison is a good fit for you.
What do our students have to say about us?