This Week at MKG Madison – January 8th

Happy New Year – Welcome to 2018

Firstly, as most of you have noticed there has been a changes with the gym itself.

We have carpeting, woo hoo!

This should make things a bit more comfortable by keeping gym a but warmer during the winter months. Also it should help to keep the gym cleaner. Plus, it just looks nicer!




The seating area has changed a bit.

We are hoping to reduce the congestion between classes by opening up some space.  We also think this will open up more uninterrupted viewing space for parents watching class. And incoming students won’t feel as though they are  blocking views as they get to their class.






We have changing rooms.

Real changing rooms. With door and everything. They even lock!  We have moved them to opposite side of the gym and encourage traffic flow and increase privacy. They are as done as they are going to be for a bit, so please feel free to use them.








Schedule and Class Changes

As you know from previous emails our Foundations class has changed into a once per month Free Workshop.  This new Introduction to the MKG Method “ workshop will be held on the second Sunday of each month starting this week, January  14th at 1pm.

It is free and open to all students, but there is limited space (15 students only). So, new and prospective student will get preference.  If you are a current student and would like to be a part of the team helping new students that day, contact Josh and he will let you know if there is space and if it is needed.

Also feel free to invite any friends or family that have shown interest in martial art. This would be a great place to start their journey!

They can register here!  CLICK ME!

The Foundations class has been replaced with the new Stick to it  – Double Stick Class.

This class will be lead by Dan DeRubeis.This class will  meet on Mondays and Wednesdays . This is the last week that the Kickboxing Essentials Class and Stick to it will alternate time slots. Starting next week (January  15th)  this class will be meet always be at 4:30 pm – 5:15 pm.  And the Kickboxing Essentials class will alway be at 5:30 pm – 6:15 pm and will be lead by Andrew Brekke (with help from other instructors when needed)

(Click here for a class description)

Taking on some new responsibilities.

This year you will also see some of your fellow students stepping up to some new responsibilities.  They have show the commitment, consistency, care for other students and capability to lead classes. So, if you see a new instructor in class it is because they have asked and have earned it.  This is something that we have worked on for sometime.

This part our mission is as a school, to be a guide for those that are in training martial arts and help them to achieve whatever goals they may have. Whether it is, to get in shape, learn something new, compete or  eventually teach.  So we are excited for these next steps.

Going Under The Knife . . . again.

This is also a plan to keep as much of an uninterrupted class schedule as possible  while Josh prepares  and is recovering from for his 2nd hip surgery coming up in March. This is a planned surgery and he is looking forward to the increased mobility and  pain relief that his first one provided.

So please keep him in you thoughts and prayers for the upcoming procedure.

Upcoming Events

This Sunday, January 14th  . . . .

FREE “Introduction to the MKG Method” workshop

1:00 pm – 2:30 pm – FREE

This 90 minute small-group workshop will allow you to sample much of the beginner-level material found in the MKG Method at a pace that is intentionally slow, structured, and perfectly safe.

Head Instructor Josh Prior, and assistant instructors or senior students, will help you develop a basic understanding of kicking, punching, hand trapping, and other fun and exciting skills found in the MKG Method of Integrated Martial Art. As always, the environment will be friendly, welcoming, and inclusive, and the content will leave you with a great workout and a new set of skills.

Space is limited to ensure maximum value. Don’t delay in registering you and/or your partner(s) today!

Click Here to Register

Friday, January 26th

Can you do it for an Hour! MKG Madison Hour Clubs Explained.

5:30 pm – 7:00 pm – $25

This workshop is to introduce you a MKG tradition. The Hour Club Test! This is a total voluntary personal challenge that has been in the MKG Organization for years and has been tackled by many of you fellow students.

The Hour Club Test has tradationally been a test of you knowledge of  many of the MKG Thai boxing drills and test of your personal endurance and intestinal fortitude.

This year we are adding a bit of a MKG Madison twist by offering other variations. Focus Mitt Hour Club and Double Stick Hour Club.

During this workshop we explain what these challenges are, how to train for them and give you a head start on your training for them if you choose to accept on of the 3 variations.

This is also open to MKG Kids who are interested in taking on the MKG Kids 30 min test. They are welcome and encouraged to attend if they would like to take on these challenges.

Saturday, January 27th

January Parents Night Out – Saber Wars Training

5:00 – 8:00 pm – $30

The padawans will construct their own personal foam saber before they begin their training.

Their will be fun yet instructional video breaks (Star Wars Clone Wars Episodes)  to help them to develop the their Jedi skills.

At the end of their training they will have earned the right to take their saber home to safely continue their training.

Friends and Family are welcome (ages 6 – 13)

Register Here.

February 17th and 18th

Guro Dan Inosanto at MKG HQ in Minneapolis

Click the Image to Register


February 24th – 25th

Guro Rick Faye at MKG Chicago

Click Here to Register


May 19th and 20th

Guro Rick Faye at MKG Madison

Click here to register

Sad News in the MKG Family

Marla Faye (Wife of Rick faye) has passed away. Thursday, January 4th Marla Faye lost here battle with cancer.

Please keep Rick, the Faye family and those that knew her in your hearts and prayers.

The GoFundMe is still open as there are still medical costs that are not covered by insurance.

If you feel lead to contribute here is the link.

Marla’s GoFundMe

Refer – A – Friend

If you have any friends that would like to check out MKG Madison stop by the desk for an Invite-Only Card for a 1 Week Free Pass.

This can only be given by a current student to a friend that is serious about beginning their martial arts journey! If they decide to join us and enroll for classes at MKG Madison you get FREE private lessons!


We look forward to seeing you all in classes this week! So get in here and get your reps in! As always, we will be Training Safe, Training Hard and Having a ton of Fun! Don’t miss out!

See you at the gym!

Josh, Ruth and the MKG Staff

MKG International Martial Arts Madison
